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- Compositions should be sent directly to the KMEA College/Division Chair
- Deadline for submission is November 15 (November 30 in 2019)
- The winner will be notified by December 15 (December 30 in 2019)
- Any undergraduate student composer currently studying at a Kentucky college/university is invited to submit an original score for consideration in the KMEA Collegiate Composition Competition.
- The student must be sponsored by a member of the Kentucky Music Educators Association (i.e. a university faculty member or CNAfME advisor).
- Compositions must have been completed within the past two years.
- The composer must submit high quality copies of the materials. Scores and performance parts must be accurate and legible. No handwritten manuscript will be accepted.
- A performance of the composition must be submitted with the score and parts electronically as an mp3 for the audition and in pdf form for the scores and parts.
- No work may be over 8 minutes in duration.
- The composition selection committee reserves the right to not make an award if, in the opinion of the committee, no composition is appropriately deserving.
- Although care will be taken in the handling of all materials submitted for consideration, neither the selection committee nor KMEA will be held responsible for loss or damage.
Composition Categories:
- Chamber Ensemble (2–8 players) This ensemble may be conventional, e.g., brass quintet, piano trio, etc. or less standard instrumentation. A score and performance parts must be submitted.
- SATB Chorus or Chamber Choir (a cappella or with piano)
- Unaccompanied or accompanied solo (piano solo, flute alone, violin with piano, etc.)
- Orchestra or Wind Band (works in this category cannot be provided a venue for performance.)
- Only one composition may be submitted for consideration in the competition
- The Chair of the KMEA College/University Division shall select a committee of two (2) or three (3) individuals, in addition to the chair, to adjudicate the compositions submitted for consideration. If a student composition is submitted from the same school as the chair, the chair of the division will remove him/her self from the adjudication committee.
- The adjudicators may be selected from Kentucky or out-of-state.
- No adjudicator may come from an institution that has a student composer submitting a composition for consideration.
- The adjudicators may include composition teachers, composers, ensemble directors, or other individuals with appropriate expertise to judge the compositions submitted for consideration.
- The award will be based on a consensus of the adjudication committee.
- One winner will be chosen by the KMEA Collegiate Composition Competition adjudication committee.
- The winner will receive a $250.00 monetary award and a certificate.
- The winner will receive an invitation to perform his/her work during the Professional Development Conference.
- If the winner accepts the invitation to have the composition performed at the KMEA Professional Development Conference, he/she and/or institution will be responsible for selecting the performers, transportation and housing for the performers, rehearsing, and preparing the work for performance. KMEA assumes no responsibility for the performance of the winning composition.