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What is KMEA?
The mission of KMEA shall be to advance the cause of music education throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky by encouraging the study and making of music by all of the population and by serving as a strong advocate for issues affecting the accomplishment of that mission.
The KMEA is a 501(c)3 organization consisting of over 2,000 professional music educators at all levels from kindergarten to the university level who are dedicated to the cause of music education in Kentucky. Included are in-service, pre-service and retired music educators. Associated with NAfME: The National Association For Music Education, KMEA serves as a voice for Kentucky’s music educators.
KMEA maintains an active involvement with the Kentucky Coalition for Arts Education, an affiliation with such groups as the Kentucky Art Education Association; the Kentucky Theater Association; and the Kentucky Association for Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; and the Kentucky Center – all dedicated to the improvement of arts education in the Commonwealth.
Parents and other advocates for music education in Kentucky can find support in the activities of KMEA and NAfME. NAfME provides considerable information of interest to advocates for the promotion of music education in Kentucky’s schools.
President’s Welcome
Welcome to our web site. If you are a teacher, parent, or student, we hope you will find the information posted here helpful and informative. Membership in the Kentucky Music Educators Association is open to any public, private, or university level music teacher. Members of KMEA may register the schools at which they teach, including home schools, after which students who attend the school may participate in KMEA-sponsored school activities. Our professional organization is in place to support the teachers AND their students. The web site is full of information that will inform, clarify and support the professional music educator.